We have 3 weeks until Pentecost! Keep praying for the Spirit.
And even if you cannot fast, you are more than welcome to join the feast!
We want to use this God orchestrated time to press deeper into our faith-walk WITH Christ. We want to see REVIVAL come to our hearts, our families, and His church we call Cornerstone. So PLEASE consider joining us. We meet on ZOOM around our dinner table and replace feeding on food with feeding on Him through worship and the Word. MUCH love!!! — doug
We will gather via ZOOM each Wednesday evening from 6-7pm
We will sing some songs and read through a Psalm together
This week is Psalm 73 - the blessings of being fully forgiven
For those that choose to, we will also be fasting from our dinner meal each Wednesday and that is why we gather from 6-7p
Check your email for the ZOOM Invitation!
This is a way that, even when we cannot gather physically, we can GATHER SPIRITUALLY; and TOGETHER, SEEK and SEE His glory. And let us pray that we are able to gather in the next few weeks.
We are praying you will join us and we press into this space of knowing Him more deeply. Let's come out of this time looking and acting different!
MUCH love!
Doug, Kerry and the girls.
When the day of Pentecost [May 31st this year] had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly there came from heaven a noise like a violent rushing wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. — Acts 2:1–2