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Watching with Jesus in the garden.

Then he said to them, “My soul is very sorrowful, even to death; remain here, and watch with Me." — Matthew 26:38

This weekend was a wonderful time in the Pines as the Family of God. But is was so much more.

It was a reminder that we were made for this moment.

That, if we are a follower of Jesus, we prayed for this!

This week as you READ and RESPOND to the Word, PRAY that the Spirit would strengthen you to be steadfast as we live ready to say "Thy will be done."

Daily Readings

Sunday’s Teaching —Matthew 26.69–75, John 21.15–17

Monday - 1 Corinthians 15.51-58

Tuesday - Leviticus 19.1–18

Wednesday - Matthew 11.25–30

Thursday - Matthew 16.24–28

Friday - Matthew 22.35–23.12

Saturday - John 1.1–34

Sunday’s Teaching — John 6.26–58

This Sunday October 24th we will set our sights on Jesus as the 7 I AM's lead us into our Christmas celebration!

Be sure you are getting the short In the Word Today devotional written for each day's reading by going to our website.

These readings are all you need to participate in our D-Groups!

We believe the Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and some way to record what God reveals to you in your time with Him makes the best fellowship material.

Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28


Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!

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