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Summer Small Group Offering

Here is some early information about a summer small group. Interested? Let us know!

Church! This summer CrossTrain Church is hosting two separate offerings as a way to sharpen the focus of our hearts - to remember that ordinary people in themselves are simply vessels to magnify God's plan revealed in the Old and New Testaments.

More information of the specifics of these studies will be forthcoming. For now, pray for God to show you how He can use YOU through this time together!

For the Men: Guys, we will set our faces to the journey of the disciples as Jesus uses common men - not unlike you or I - to accomplish the most earth-changing spiritual revival ever!

For Women: Ladies, you will explore how the perfect chronology of God's plan was seen over history in the Bible's most faithful women. None ever sought out to be the lampstand; however, seeing how they overcame their struggles and temptations through faith will connect you to these women as their story becomes yours!

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