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Stay persistent in your praying!

“Now He was telling them a parable to show that at all times they ought to pray and not to lose heart” – Luke 18:1

Prayer is the soul’s admission of insufficiency. It is the language of dependence. It is the heart’s cry for help. It is a CONFESSION of NEED.

It reveals: What we think of God. What we think of ourselves. What we think of what God thinks of us. And our willingness to ONGOINGLY CONFESS our sin struggles to GOD, and to ONE ANOTHER, is beautiful evidence that we are living in the grace. And STAYING PERSISTENT in prayer in the best thermometer of our spiritual temperature!

Jesus connects our prayer life with our faith walk.

We should not let the magnitude of that be dismissed easily.

This week as you READ and RESPOND to the Word, PRAY that the Spirit would reveal areas that you have become convinced prayer 'isn't working' and have perhaps given up. Then do what you need to do to NOT LOSE FAITH.

Daily Readings

Sun - Luke 18:1-18

Mon - Matt 6:5-15

Tue - Jeremiah 18:1-10

Wed - Heb 12:1-4; 10:19-25

Thu - Phil 3:7-21

Fri - 1 Tim 2:1-8

Sat - Luke 11:1-10

Sun - 2 Kings 19:1-20

Be sure you are getting the short In the Word Today devotional written for each day's reading by going to our website. The email gets sent out early each morning.

These readings are all you need to participate in our D-Groups!

The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and some way to record what God reveals to you in your time with Him.

If you have not gotten a copy of the book 'The Secret to Prayer' by Dr. Kyle DiRoberts, you can get one at the church building or on Amazon. This will really help flavor this time we will spend focused on prayer.

Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28


Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!

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