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Sharing the Gospel and Our Lives: September 2023

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Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, Mexico

Hola Famigos!

When we first sat down to compose this newsletter and thought back on our month, we thought maybe there would be little to write about. In many ways, September has been a very "normal" month. As we began to reflect more, though, we can see the Lord's fingerprints working in and through our lives in so many ways. We sit here personally convicted because we often call the divine "normal", simply because we didn't have eyes to see where God was at work. It reminds us of John 5:17, "But He [Jesus] answered them, 'My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working.'" We pray this month's newsletter reminds you to look for what the Lord is doing in your life. He is working...are you watching?

Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...regular weekly scheduled activities.Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...

Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...regular weekly scheduled activities. We continue to teach a Bible lesson to the children of Pan de Vida, including accompanying games and crafts, every Thursday. In this picture, the kids are sticking marshmallow "hail" to their faces as quickly as possible while we learn about the 10 plagues of Egypt. We have started to see the fruit of consistency as the kids will approach to ask us, "Is this the day we get to play?". We know each child by name and know where they live.Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks time chances to help a friend.Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks time chances to help a friend. Nallely, our amazing co-laborer for Christ in the kitchen, wanted to help her family by making a cake for her niece's quinceañera. Although she has amazing cake decorating skills (I mean just look at this cake she decorated), she has never baked a cake from scratch. Nallely and Fahren spent a Saturday afternoon in our outdoor kitchen at Pan de Vida baking a giant 5-layer cake in over 90-degree weather. By baking this cake, Nallely saved her family 1500 pesos (which is about a week's worth of labor).Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like... faithfulness in short-term opportunities.Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...faithfulness in short-term opportunities. i6eight currently has a pair of missionaries, named Wes and Nelly, serving in the far southern state of Chiapas. Nelly's younger brother, David, is in need of a fresh start...and more than anything of Christ. David recently came to Puerto Peñasco to live with i6eight's directors, Scott and Shannon. Since moving here, we have been picking David up daily to serve at Pan de Vida. In this picture, Taylor is showing David how to look up verses in the Bible to find the answers to our team's weekly Bible study. David asked some brilliant questions and was hungry to learn more!Sometimes working for the eternal kingdom looks like...big events.Sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...big events. This month we were able to participate in i6eight's second annual expository preaching workshop. A team from the United States came to teach pastors and ministry leaders from various churches in Puerto Peñasco how to study and faithfully teach the Word of God. As we walked through Matthew chapters 5-7, the Sermon on the Mount, we had opportunities to put into practice what we had learned, receiving feedback from godly men. As an i6eight team, we learned the value of teaching all that God wants to share through a passage without adding more...nothing more, nothing less.And sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...just helping whoever comes across your path that day.And sometimes serving in the eternal kingdom looks like...just helping whoever comes across your path that day. One morning as we were finishing our Bible study with Nallely and Celia, a woman showed up with this 86-year-old man. She said she found him wandering by the wasteland just one block south of Pan de Vida. As she was currently working for the city, she asked if she could leave him with us. Although he knew his name, he didn't carry any identification or personal belongings. He recently moved to Puerto Peñasco to live with his family and didn't know where he lived nor the information of any of his family members. Through the use of social media and with the help of the local police, we were able to deliver him safe and sound to his home (well over a mile from where he was found). The Lord used this opportunity for us to make a connection with a local police officer who has worked with i6eight in the past to find safe temporary shelters for abused women.

To close, whenever serving in the eternal kingdom, we should always take time to reflect and see our sovereign Lord at work. It will fill our hearts with affection and our minds with awe, and of this He is surely worthy.Reflection Question: Are you taking time to regularly reflect on what the Lord is doing in and through you? Let this lead you to worship the One "who works all things after the counsel of His will" (Ephesians 1:11).

Prayer Needs: 1. In October, we will host David (Nelly's brother pictured above) for a weekend. We will also have a team coming to do some major construction on our house as the roof is collapsing into the coffee shop below. Please pray for an extra measure of patience and an abundance of grace. 2. Please join us in praying for opportunities for Taylor to preach, putting into practice what he learned through the recent workshop all to the glory of the Father. Prayer Updates:

1. August 2023: Please pray that we would not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9) and that we would continue to look to the majesty of the Lord and His worthiness to be worshipped in all the nations as we faithfully preach the Good News that Christ saves sinners. Please continue to pray for our encouragement and endurance. When we look at the task at hand, it can be easy to become discouraged and overwhelmed, but when we look at the greatness of our God, we refuse to lose hope. 2. August 2023: i6eight will be hosting an expository preaching workshop for pastors and leaders of the local churches of Puerto Peñasco. As a couple, we will be hosting a group of men from Kansas coming to help teach the material in our home. We will also be helping to lead conversation during the small group discussions. Please pray that local pastors would come and learn to preach the Word of God faithfully. Please also pray that both Celia and Nallely from Pan de Vida would come and fall even more in love with Scripture. Nallely and almost all of i6eight's adult leadership team were able to attend the workshop. We are excited to see the Word proclaimed more faithfully even within our own ministry. Praise the Lord, two of our neighbors also came to help translate. Neither one proclaims to have faith in God, nor Jesus Christ as Messiah. Please join us in praying that their eyes would be opened to the truth of the Scriptures and their need for a Savior. Sharing the Gospel and our lives,

Entregándoles no solo el evangelio de Dios sino también nuestra propia vida,

Taylor and Fahren Sterrett


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