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Sharing the good news!

Greetings! And grace to you all. Think about that for a moment. If you are IN Christ, He is IN you — you have been GRACED of GOD. And He has saved you and sealed you and set you apart for a reason — to SHARE HIM with a world that needs to see Him as the only hope of salvation.

In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” — John 1:4–5

We live in a world that seems darker all the time because the prince of darkness is the god of it (2 Corinthians 4.4). But, as children of the light (Ephesians 5.8), we have the antidote the the virus that leads to death 100% of the time - SIN! And His name is JESUS. So let's get better at sharing Him with a world lost in the dark!

Asking questions is a great way to get into conversations that really matter.

Remember, we don't need to 'count salvations' because that's the Spirit's job. We need to count SHARING, because that's OURS!

And here is a great approach to get to gospel conversations
  • ASK Ask questions, get to know them, then turn it into spiritual conversation (faith, beliefs, spiritual or church background, etc.).

  • ADMIRE Instead of arguing, or immediately finding fault in their thinking, find something to admire about their “spiritual” lives. Then use it to point to how God’s overwhelming grace works in your life.

  • ADMIT Share why YOU need Jesus. “I’m a Christian because I am so messed up and I need someone to save me. He is Jesus!” This opens up for you to share your story of how you came to Christ.


And here are questions to ask that initiate conversation:
  • How are you? How can I help you? How is your day going? What would make it better? How can I pray for you? How is your soul?

  • What is important to you in your life? (Your priorities?)

  • What is your spiritual background? Do you have one?

  • I’m wondering…’ questions: how is that working for you? what makes you think that’s true? why you said that? what leads you to believe that?

As you see the Spirit opening the eyes of the not yet saved, here is an easy way to share the story of the good news of the gospel message

Taking 2 minutes to share the Gospel


We were created in the image of God, by God, for God who is in control of everything. He created us to love, serve and glorify Him. (Genesis 1.1, John 1.1–13, Romans 11.33–36)


We are all sinners and are separated from God. We need to be restored to Him. (Isaiah 59.1–2, Romans 1.18, 3.10–23)


Only through Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Son of man, can people be restored to God. (John 1.29, Colossians 1.19, 2.13–15)


It is our response to have faith in Christ, repent of sins and seek God, and He will transform our lives. (Ephesians 2.1–10, Romans 12.1–2)


Dear brothers and sisters, TIME is SHORT and ETERNITY is LONG. HELL is STILL HOT but JESUS still SAVES. We need to share Him with others now more than ever. I truly hope this helps us grow as a people on the mission He has left us here to complete:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:19–20

MUCH love to you!


P.S. - If you enjoy Podcasts (and you should), here is a good one that talks about this very stuff. It is an interview with Greg Stier, the man who started 'Dare2Share'.

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