We are partnering with the Holy Spirit and strengthening the angels in the fight as we stay open to being a people of PRAYER! "Pray until the Holy Spirit prevails. Pray fervently until God moves." - Charles Finney
The prayers of the righteous are powerFILLED and EFFECTIVE as they work out God's will! - James 5.16
Today was an amazing day. From our opening passage and prayer for Tony and Kim, to praise and prayer, to stopping in the middle of the message to pray collectively again for Kim again... ALL POWER-FILLED AND SPIRIT LED.
He is moving to and fro among us dear brothers and sisters. And then when I asked you all to pray out loud, individually... AND YOU DID IT! Goosebumps as the Spirit brushed by! There are few churches that CAN do that, let along WOULD do it. Glory be to God for what He is shaping us into. I am so SO VERY PROUD OF YOU my peeps!
I was able to go in and sit with Tony and Kim for a couple hours today. We read and prayed and talked and cried and prayed some more. She may be tiny, but she is a MIGHTY WARRIOR for our King! His grace is supernaturally evident in their faith through this. They are both completely trusting in His plan and looking forward to how Jesus will show Himself to be the amazing Savior He is through this.