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Life like you've been brought to life!

God did not bring you to life and leave you in a cemetery! Seeing His grace invade every corner of your life—

that is why He died!

Death to life is the RUIN —> RESCUE —> REIGN gospel story that God has been pushing forward from Genesis chapter 3. And He will not relent until all His good will is accomplished.

CAN YOU GIVE JESUS 2 WEEKS and focus on it and on Him from now through Resurrection Weekend?

Grace abounded all the more, [SUPER-ABOUNDED and MEGA-GRACED] so that sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. — Romans 5:21

You CANNOT out-sin the GRACE of GOD!!! Get over it! He did!!! “Two things I know. I am a great sinner. And Christ is a great Savior.” — John Newton, Amazing Grace

We are a people committed to training to teach God's truth. The BEST way to make that happen is to get God's Word into you as you get into God's Word!

Here are readings to help you do just that this week!

Daily Readings

Sunday’s Teaching — Romans 5.12–21

Monday – Genesis 2.15–3.12

Tuesday – Genesis 3.13–24

Wednesday – Romans 7.8–25

Thursday – 1 Corinthians 15.21–26

Friday – Ephesians 2.1–18

Saturday – Revelation 5.1–14

Sunday’s Teaching — Exodus 6:1-8

OYB – Judges 8.1–16.31 & 21.1–5, 1 Samuel 1.1–5.12, Psalm 113.1–9

Get the short In the Word Today devotional written for each day's reading. The email gets sent out early each morning.

The sign up form is on the bottom of the home page of our website.

It's all you need to participate in our D-Groups (small groups)!

The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and some way to record what God reveals to you in your time with Him.

You can LISTEN TO|WATCH the message in many formats.

MUCH love.

Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28


Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!

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