Greetings faith family! Grace upon grace to you. What a JOY it was to be back together! Soul's were encouraged as we soaked in the Spirit and Word together. If you missed the message on IDENTITY on 7/9 or on FREEDOM on 7/16, I want to strongly encourage you to catch them on our website or on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.
This Summer we are looking at the questions that are often asked in and out of the church.
This week we will talk together about an area of great mystery for far too many of us.—
"What does it take to know and live in the will of God?"
Our gatherings are different than any church you've been to!
We gather to worship and be equipped for the mission.
"Come and see..." what God has to say about the things that can cause us all to doubt.
And bring someone new who needs to be part of this conversation.
This time talking about "What Christians Believe" is for all of us.
We are a safe place to ask questions and get answers.
IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel OR ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE.
21469 N. 78th Ave. Suite #150
Peoria, AZ 85382
If there is a God, and there is, and he has made himself known, and he has, and he has made us in his image, what is his Will for my life? This weekend we will spend time helping each other understand just how important our answer this question is if we want to really experience the fullness of joy he's promised! The past couple Sundays have been Spirit anointed. I am looking forward to seeing how He shows up this Sunday. See you then Lord willing.
Let's live to make MUCH of Him!
