‘And next to them...’ — Nehemiah 3.2 (and 42 times in the chapter)
What is different about the people of God?
Does your mind immediately go to morality?
That our behavior should look distinctly different?
Well, this is certainly true, but that is not the big difference. That is just an overflow of the difference. The big difference about God’s people is...
We are called out by God to live as Kingdom people by Kingdom power for Kingdom glory!
We are just getting started in Nehemiah. Come be part of this POWER-FILLED TIME where we are seeing...
Recommitment of their covenant relationships w/ God and each other
Restoration of relationships
Renewal of real worship
Remembering their role as a light to the world

What can prayer do? All that God wills!
Please join us at 10am!!!
IF YOU CANNOT JOIN US IN PERSON, please join us on our YouTube Channel:
We will NO LONGER BE USING ZOOM for our Sunday streaming!
Our YouTube and Facebook Live feeds have MUCH better quality & are more user-friendly. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The LORD has answered our prayers and we will be able to stay in our current location until at least the end of MARCH!!!!
And He is making a way for us to enter into a ‘new land’ (space) as soon as we can get it ready for the City of Peoria to allow us to use it. Be in prayer!
MUCH love! I'm excited to walk WITH Him on this new adventure He leads us into.
Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28
Live today for what matters FOREVER!