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Holding it Together

I still AM - the ONE Holding It All Together

So how does who He is help us trust in Him?

by seeing Him as…

The POWER beyond you

The POWER before you AND

The POWER within you

WE ALL HAVE TRUST ISSUES! How do I know that? Because, as far as I know, none of us are walking on the water! Yes, I know that was a special moment in the life of Peter as he was called out of the boat to walk with Jesus on the water in the midst of a mighty storm. But we too are called to be water-walkers with our Lord and Savior in the storms we are facing. So why do we struggle so to stay above the waves of this world? Because we fail to keep our eyes fixed on the One who created those waves, commands those waves, walks above those waves, and calls us out of our ‘perceived security’ in our self-made ‘boats’ to trust the One who made everything as it is and holds it all together. “Oh you of little faith (trust), why do you doubt?” We ALL have TRUST ISSUES. Still doubt I am correct? Worry, anxiety, fear, even emotions such as anger and bitterness; these all flow, at their heart, from trust issues we have with Jesus.

So what are we to do about it? How do we overcome these powerful emotions; especially with all we see happening now? It is not by trying harder to stop feeling those things and just keep working at ‘holding it all together.’ No! It is by looking at the ONE who literally HOLDS IT ALL TOGETHER ALL THE TIME.

For by Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. — Colossians 1:16–17

This Sunday we start a series I’m calling, I still AM!” In our studies through the Gospel of John and the books of Daniel and Revelation we saw Him to be the Great I AM over and over again. But sometimes we can feel like Jesus is all ‘past-tense’ in our world — He came, He died, He rose, He ascended. Maybe we fleetingly cling to the ‘future-tense’ promise that He will someday return, but what about now? But, brothers and sisters, HE STILL IS! He is STILL living and active. His Spirit is STILL saving and sealing and empowering and uniting believers in Christ. He STILL is building His church, and the gates of Hades (and COVID-19) will not prevail against us! Did you get that last part? HE STILL IS and we still are VICTORIOUS! Can we trust Him to help get us through these days? You bet!!!

In these last days has spoken to us in His Son, whom He appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the world. And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power… — Hebrews 1:2–3

So join me on Sunday as we ‘gather’ to walk through Colossians chapter 1 and see our Sovereign to be the ONE who still holds it all together for us. And don’t just watch the message — ENGAGE in our whole worship experience — prayer, singing, teaching time, discussion questions — with us. The time for being a Christian-spectator or a sideline-disciple has passed; He has called us into the game!

I pray you are taking advantage of ALL the resources we are making available to help you WORSHIP on Sunday:

  • Weekly PRE-SERVICE WORSHIP IN PRAYER from 9:30-10am. (check you email for Zoom Link invitation)

  • MUSIC — the Music Team is uploading 3-4 songs with lyrics each week. You can play this recording by going to our Cornerstone Church AZ YouTube channel. I know your soul will be nourished and your heart prepared to hear His Word.

  • LEAD HELPS — (under Handouts) this document has a suggested flow for worship including Bible readings and additional discussion questions for you and for children, and NOW even weekly activities.

I want to PERSONALLY CHALLENGE THE MEN in our FRamily to print this resource and PLAN TO LEAD YOUR FAMILY WORSHIP time with your spouse, your kids, whomever the Spirit has you leading.
  • CONNECTING POINTS - has all the usual ingredients: Daily Readings, Prayer Pointers, Table Talk Questions

  • BULLETIN - stay up to date on all that is happening

  • KID’S CONNECT - help keep your kids focused on the Lord

  • MESSAGE - via the church Message Page or directly from Cornerstone Church AZ YouTube channel.

  • And join us via ZOOM on Wednesdays from 6-7pm as we gather around The Troyer Dinner Table for Worship and the Word each week between now and Pentecost on May 31st. (Check you email for Zoom Link invitation and find out more about the plan HERE)

This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us, having become a high priest forever… — Hebrews 6:19–20

So let’s take this time to really PRESS INTO CHRIST and set our anchor deep, SO THAT our trust flows, not from what is going on around us, but in our GREAT CONFIDENCE in the ONE who walks WITH us.

May His POWER bring you His peace! ‘See you’ Sunday!

MUCH love!

Pastor Doug

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