God is working all things together for good! TRUST HIM!
But He is playing the long game. He has your eternal good and His overwhelming glory in mind!
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. — Romans 8:28
One of the best antidotes for questioning God's goodness is to get to know Him better. And the best place to get to know Him is in His Word. So get into it, and get Him into you, each day this week.
We are a people committed to training to teach God's truth.
The BEST way to make that happen is to get God's Word into you as you get into God's Word!
Here are readings to help you do just that this week!
Daily Readings
Sunday’s Teaching — Romans 8.28, 31; Job 1.6–12, 42.1–10
Monday – Ephesians 1.1–12
Tuesday – 2 Timothy 1.1–12
Wednesday – Genesis 50.15–21
Thursday – Job 1.20–22, 2.9–10, 13,13–15, 30.19–23
Friday – Job 38.1–23
Saturday – Psalm 73.1–28
Sunday’s Teaching — Romans 8.28–31
OYB – Nehemiah 5–12, Psalms 1, 107, 111–112, 117, 119, 121–123, 128, 130, 134–136, 146–147
Get the short In the Word Today devotional written for each day's reading. The email gets sent out early each morning.
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The Word of God, the Holy Spirit, and some way to record what God reveals to you in your time with Him.
I love what the Word in Romans is doing to our collect soul as a believing community. Others NEED THIS SO LET'S INVITE THEM IN. This coming Sunday will be huge as we look at our Sovereign Savior!
MUCH love.
Keep looking UP! — Luke 21.28
Live TODAY for what matters FOREVER!