Greetings one and all! Grace and Truth to you! Here are the details of our next Training Center offering— New Testament Survey. I had anticipated starting on 1/24, but as I looked at the calendar, it actually works better to begin on January 31st. New Testament Survey has 9 class sessions with 2 breaks and we are still done by mid April! The classes are still on Tuesdays at either 6–7:30a or 6:30–8pm.
We had 50+ completers for both our Theology and OT courses over the past year! Praise the LORD! The Holy Spirit is moving on hearts to encourage and equip us together in our training to teach God’s truth. This is making a Kingdom impact! Keep it up as we keep looking UP!
You DO NOT have to have successfully completed either of those courses to take the New Testament Survey course. And this is NOT just for CrossTrain people. ANYONE who may benefit from a more robust understanding of how to use the Word of God to minister to the souls of others can and should take this course. Please share this invitation with whomever you feel led to by the Spirit.
All of the materials are prepared and ready to go to the printer. In order to have the binders put together by Tuesday January 31st, I need to know of your commitment to attend BY NO LATER THAN the morning of WEDNESDAY JANUARY 25th. Please email me at ASAP if you plan to participate. And share this invitation with others.
I am very humbled by the opportunity to help train people in this way. And I am so proud of how God is using CrossTrain to train people to teach His truth in a world full of falsities. Jesus is on the move among us!!!
MUCH love. Let’s make MUCH of Him in 2023! ~doug
Here is the schedule: