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God's answers to life's most pressing questions...

Starting Tuesday August 24 from 6:00-7:30am OR 6:30-8pm

  • We are offering the SAME discussion both morning and evening to provide for the most flexibility for attendance.

  • These are offered to everyone - as in everyone - who is open to what the Word of God has to say about the topics being discussed.

  • Please contact Doug at if you are planning to participate so we can plan well.

We believe that once someone has established the discipline of reading and responding to God’s Word every day (what we do in D-Groups) they will want to know more about what the Word says about certain things in their life and the world.

In our FOUNDATIONS course, we will look together at how the Bible answers some of the fundamental questions concerning God, Christ, and the Christian Faith.

The questions that drive each week’s discussion are some of the most thought provoking and challenging in our faith.

Here are the questions that will center our discussions:

  • WEEK 1 | How do we even know God exists or what He is doing in the world? Foundations pages 53-60

  • WEEK 2 | If there is a God, how is He making Himself known to us? Foundations pages 61–68

  • WEEK 3 | If God is good why is there so much evil in the world? Foundations pages 135-142

  • WEEK 4 | Isn’t Christianity just one of many ways to God? Foundations pages 45-52

  • WEEK 5 | Doesn’t religion just lead us to living by a lot of rules? Foundations pages 127-134

  • WEEK 6 | How do I know God’s plan for me? Foundations pages 85-92

  • WEEK 7 | What does the Bible teach about our identity? Foundations pages 143-150

  • WEEK 8 | Open Forum Night Questions from you…

These fundamental questions will be answered from a clear, biblical worldview as we try to make sense of the world in which we live.

This time could be incredibly impactful for anyone open to hearing what Scripture has to say about these pressing heart and life issues.


  • A Bible

  • A journal or notebook to record your reflections

  • A copy of the Foundations Tool Kit — $5 (You can get this 1st night if necessary)

  • An open mind and heart to receive God's Word about these issues of faith.

  • About 2 hours/week to prepare for each session ahead of time - 1st session excluded.

We will use selected sections of the Foundations Tool Kit (our discipleship manual) as an introduction to theological ideas that shape our faith as Christians and answer many of the questions the world has about God, Jesus Christ, and what Christians really believe.

We will use the Foundations Tool Kit to point us to the places in the Word of God that answer the question we will be focusing upon week to week.

This process of looking at the Scriptures for our answers is an important part of laying a strong foundation as a disciple, and also in becoming a disciple-maker.

You can find out more about FOUNDATIONS, download the PDF, and learn about all of our Discipleship Resources right here, or by stopping by the Connect Corner in the CrossTrain lobby.

I hope to see many faces both morning and evening for what is sure to be a wonderful time together discussing God's wisdom to life's most pressing problems.


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