“Behold, I will do something new. I will make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert. — Isaiah 43.19
This Sunday we look back at HOPE-LOVE-JOY-PEACE by remembering His promise of WITH-ness as we prepare to walk into a NEW YEAR!
Like never before, we must be intentional about how now we are to live as lights in the world. Let's plan TOGETHER to walk with one another and WITH Christ in His Word in 2021.
The Holy Spirit has many exciting things planned as we double our commitment to making disciple-makers in the new year. Let's become the church known for teaching others how to teach others the Bible!
You can listen to and watch the past Advent Messages on our website or on iTunes.
What can prayer do? All that God wills!
Please join us at 10am!!!
If you cannot yet physically gather, your church is trying to help you stay connected: Check your emial for the ZOOM LINK. And We are also Live-Streaming on our YouTube Channel.
It looks like the LORD has answered our prayers and we will be able to stay in our current location until at least the end of MARCH!!!!
MUCH love! I'm excited to walk WITH Him AND you into the New Year!!!
Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28
Live today for what matters FOREVER!