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Are you ready to do whatever it takes?

Are you ready to do whatever it takes to be like Jesus SO THAT we can see as many come to Him as possible before it is too late?

He (Jesus) did not retaliate when He was insulted. When He suffered, He did not threaten to get even. He left His case in the hands of God, who always judges fairly. — 1 Peter 2:23

If we want to see a great reformation and revival, it will need to happen the same way the early Christians conquered Rome.

Their program of conquest consisted largely of two elements:

gospel preaching and being eaten by lions. This is a strategy that has not yet captured the heart and imagination of the contemporary church.

This could not be a more timely letter to look at

You can listen to|watch the Messages on our website or on iTunes.

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Pray for the plans in the hands of the City. That we would get the final approval even as we move forward by faith.

Pray for the City of Peoria to approve out simple plan for the space in supernatural time. Construction is moving forward even as we speak.

MUCH love! Remember, the POWER of His presence is among His gathered people.

Keep Looking UP! Luke 21:28


Live today for what matters FOREVER!

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